Algonquin Reading Week Canoe Trip 2023

Twelve of our members set off for a 5-day canoeing trip over the Fall reading week! The weekend started off with driving about five hours to the west side of the park and loading up the rental canoes. We paddled 10km the first night in a slight storm with rain and wind- definietly not ideal for canoeing but, the rain held up for the rest of the week!

Day 2, a BIG DAY! We started with a 2km portage into the Tim River. There was a plenty of beaver dams which needed to be cross and a race down the river. Shout out to the winner of the race, Josh (that’s why we made him one of our Presidents)! Then, another 1km portage to another lake where we set up camps for the night. Everyone loves fall camping until you realize you’ll be setting up in the dark again and its cold!

On the 3rd day we had lots of sunshine which was definitely welcomed! Another bad portage over two massive hills left our team tired. However, we made it to camp before dark which was a big win. To add to the fun we went for a cold swim which got us hungry for dinner. Nothing like having Spam and cake for a camp dinner after a great day.

Day 4 consisted of more mud, rain and portages. The beavers in Algonquin park sure know how to block a portage. However, they were no worry for our team, we trecked on through making many memories in the process.

And we’ve made it to the final day! Heading back home we had to complete quite a few more smaller portages yet, everyone was in a good mood. The extreme happiness might have been from the fact that we spent five days in the backcountry with some amazing friends. Or, that we had a Wendys meal to look forward to on the way back to Ottawa!


Fall Reading Week Cabin Trip 2023